Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I almost skipped bringing lunch. I was thinking I would just grab something at the mall since I have errands to run anyway. At the last second I threw a tortilla roll up (just a tortilla, longhorn cheddar and mesquite turkey) together with a couple tangerines, yogurt and crackers. The girl's lunch is salami and turkey rolled on little plastic cocktail things that normally hold martini's and olives. She also got fruit, juice, and crackers. For her snack she has a yogurt.

b-two bites of the girl's tortilla with salsa and an egg and 1/2 cup of chocolate milk. Oh Nestle rabbit, how I love you for making milk drinkable.

l - see above

d - fish taco's - these were insanely popular last week. Hopefully I'll avoid a burn this time. I have a nasty burn about 2 inches long and almost an inch wide from last week. How I suffer in the name of a homemade dinner.

In case you're wondering about the little cocktail things, I'm out of bread. I have to throw a batch together tonight and bake it before work.

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