Monday, December 3, 2007

Early Post for December 4

B - egg and toast. Did I mention the wheat bread I made is fantastic? The other loaves were okay, but this one is amazing. I think I am going to use the bread machine for just making dough and then baking it in the oven. It just seems to work better.

L - yesterday's lunch was so pleasant, I think I will make it again. Half a roast beef sandwich, a cheese, strawberries, tangerines, and half an apple for a snack.

D - soup

I promise to make the stew tomorrow. I'm getting ready for bed - I have not been sleeping for the past two nights. I lay down and my heart starts to feel like I swallowed a baby bird - all fluttery. I'm trying to see if it goes away. Part of me thinks it's panic attacks again. The only way I could fight them in the past was to just let them take over. It's a strange sensation. I really thought I was over them. The holidays bring my mind closer to missing my mom, and it triggers fear in my heart.

Update- skipped the toast and opted for a little corn tortilla with fab salsa.

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