l - half a roast beef sandwich, 2 tangerines, 2 strawberries (can you believe they are from a farm here in Cali? This winter has been unseasonably warm), cheese (wow a red brick!). I rarely buy fruit from outside of the state.
d - fish taco's
You may be thinking...I thought she was making stew! I didn't. I'm having a mental block. I always think of my mom when I make it, and I'm avoiding the unavoidable sadness of making this dish once again without her. One year, about 10 years ago, my mom and I went to the store and got the supplies and make a HUGE pot of stew. We laughed and talked while it simmered and she spent the night. It was just so much fun cooking with her. I regret I didn't do it more often growing up. I miss her so much. It hurts my heart to know my son also hurts for her and that my daughter will never remember her voice or the soft way about her.
On another note, I thought I'd write about some foods I really do not like and the first one that came to mind is the persimmon. I really wanted to like this fruit. I've tried it several times and each time I think "It tastes like licking a powdered and perfumed old woman's neck". The scent is just overpowering.

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