Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Jump Start on Day 5

b - hot cereal - oatmeal

l - I'm going to have the same lunch as the kids - sandwich, fruit, cheese, and a muffin. I am tired of the frozen things. Food shouldn't taste like that...

d - I'm going to order a salad. Salads at places other than home always taste better.

evening snack - coffee from the machine - it's one of those automatic coffee things. It's a dollar and lasts me an hour. It's my longest day of the week, I need the kick and it gives me something to do with my hands.

*update* The dinner was nice for what it was - and 15% goes back to the school. It is one of the most generous offers. I had the salad, some bread, and a Diet Coke. I skipped the coffee - I am wired I think for caffeine already and it has been a long time between Diet Cokes.

I almost forgot - I did cheat and have ice cream. I made a friend cry and we decided since we were already skipping the gym in pursuit of Absinthe, we should be triply naughty and have ice cream. For the record, Absinthe was sold out and I had Jamocha Almond Fudge. But in all honesty - the two dollars spent on ice cream did cheer up both up as much as ice cream cones with a best friend possibly can cheer one up.

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