Friday, January 25, 2008

Chicken Balls

b - split an English muffin, a blood orange and chocolate milk with the girl.
l - I'll explain below...turkey, square salami, Munster, plain bread sandwich
s- half a granola bar, oranges
d - grilled fish (if it stops raining long enough), roasted potatoes, green salad

There is this independent grocery store that specialized in Polish, Russian, Middle Eastern, and South America products. When avocados are 1.29 each, at this market, they are .60 and fresher. Deli meats are 5.00 a lb and the regular store is 8.99 a pound. Of course, I can't shop there without picking up "interesting" products. So my purchases were Russian square salami, some type of bread that is like a white fluffy soft pita called "plain bread", a package of mini Chicken Kiev that reads under the brand name "Chicken Balls", and some Brazilian ice cream that is rum raisin and chocolate. I spent under $30 and had six giant bags of groceries.

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